Welcome Message from President – ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As many of you know, the ASEAN Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Congress (ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress) is held every two years and hosted by one of the ASEAN member countries on a rotating basis.

Our most recent congress – the 16th ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress in Chiang Mai, Thailand, held on 11-13 November 2015, was a truly grand event. The 17th ASEAN ORL-HNS Congress will be held in Yangon, Myanmar from 16-18 November 2017 at the Meliá Yangon Hotel, and will surely be another grand event to which I am pleased to welcome all specialists in the field from all ASEAN countries and around the world.

What is most exciting to me about our congresses in each ASEAN country is the golden opportunity they present to discuss, learn, exchange, acquire new technological know-how, and gain knowledge and insight from the world leaders on the faculty.

The Theme of this year’s congress is ASEAN ORL-HNS: United and Concerted to Move Forward, and we hope that this conveys the Asian Value of Solidarity and our commitment to working together for the progress of our specialty and the quality of life of our people.

The scientific programme will consist of hands-on Pre-Congress Workshops on emerging high-tech surgical techniques, high-powered opening lectures, plenary sessions from our international faculty, and numerous academic presentations on all branches of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. The Debate Section, where opposing voices on disputed subjects will be heard, will surely be lively, we are encouraging country-specific symposia and forums from our member countries to stir up the participation of everyone in the ASEAN community.

There will also be ample time to network and relax: the Grand Opening Ceremony will be a highlight you won’t want to miss, featuring some traditional Burmese excitement that you have probably not experienced before. And on the night of the Gala, all member countries are invited to participate with cultural performances to demonstrate our Asian Unity.

Please be assured that you will also have time to explore and soak up some of the wonders of Myanmar, enjoy a succulent dinner on the Irrawaddy River or drift over Pagan in a balloon (you’ll need to book months ahead for that popular attraction).

In all, the opportunities that await at the 17th ASEAN ORL-HNS Federation Congress are so boundless that I expect to see unprecedented attendance numbers, and look forward to welcoming you all.


Kyay Zu Tin Ba Dae (Thank you),

Prof. Soe Tin

President of 17th ASEAN ORl-HNS Congress

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| aseanorl2017@kenes.com
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